Margaret Haigh is project manager to the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA). She has a nursing background and holds a Bachelor of Nursing degree and a Master of Nursing Research degree. She previously worked as a researcher for the University of Western Australia, working in the field of Aboriginal and rural health. Margaret has been involved in co-authoring published papers for peer-reviewed journals and has produced a number of reports for government bodies and other stakeholder groups. Margaret also holds degrees in Economics and previously spent many years working as a project manager in the IT sector. She brings her combined experience in health research and project management to IDS-TILDA.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
McCausland, D.,Haigh, M., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., IRB challenges in multisite studies: A case report and commentary from the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA)., HRB Open Research., 7, (3), 2024
Haigh M., McCarron M., McCallion P., Pavithra P., McMahon M., Good quality end-of life care for people with an intellectual disability: A critical interpretive synthesis protocol, PLoS ONE, 19, (11), 2024
Kelly, K., Haigh, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Burke, E-A. & Wormald, A-D., Moral distress in carers for people with an intellectual disabilitywho died during the COVID-19 pandemic, a template analysisextending the Barlem and Ramos model of moral distress., Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2023, p1 - 9
McCarron, M., McCausland, D., McGlinchey, E., Bowman, S., Foley, M., Haigh, M., Burke, E. & McCallion, P., Recruitment and retention in longitudinal studies of people with intellectual disability: A case study of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), Research in Developmental Disabilities, 124, 2022
McCarron, M., Allen, A., McCausland, D., Haigh, M., Luus, R., Bavussantakath, F.R., Sheerin, F., Mulryan, N., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., Flannery, F. & McCallion, P., The impact of COVID-19 on people ageing with an intellectual disability in Ireland: Protocol for a follow-up survey., HRB Open Research, 4, (95), 2021
Lyford, M., Haigh, M., Baxi, S., Lyford, M., Cheetham, S., Shahid, S., Thompson, S.C., An exploration of under-representation of Aboriginal cancer patients attending a regional radiotherapy service in Western Australia, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, 2018, p337
Haigh, M., Baxi, S., Lyford, M., Cheetham, S., Thompson, S.C., Improving cancer treatment options for rural residents: exploring the role of a regional radiotherapy centre in WA., Perth, UWA Print, 2017
McCarron, M., Haigh, M., McCallion, P., Health, Wellbeing and Social Inclusion: Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland Evidence from the First Ten Years of The Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), School of Nursing and Midwifery,Trinity College Dublin, December, 2017, p1 - 136
Pilkington, L., Haigh, M., Durey, A., Katzenellenbogen, J., Thompson, S.C., Perspectives of Aboriginal women on participation in mammography screening: A step toward improving services and uptake of screening., BMC Public Health, 17, 2017, p697
Stanley, D., Beament, T., Falconer, D., Haigh, M., Saunders, R., Stanley, K., Wall, P., Nielson, S., The male of the species: A profile of men in nursing, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72, (5), 2016, p1155 - 1168
Stanley, D., Beament, T., Falconer, D., Haigh, M., Saunders, R., Stanley, K., Wall, P., Would you recommend nursing as a career to men?, Working Papers in the Health Sciences, 1, (14), 2016, p1 - 6
Haigh, M., Shahid, S., O'Connor, K., Thompson, S.C., Talking about the not talked about: use of, and reactions to, a DVD promoting bowel cancer screening to Aboriginal people, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 40, (6), 2016, p548 - 552
Haigh, M., Shahid, S., Thompson, S.C., Overcoming "that yucky factor": evaluation of a DVD to educate Aboriginal people about bowel cancer., Perth, UWA Print, 2015
Durey, A., Haigh, M., Katzenellenbogen, J.M., What role can the rural pipeline play in the recruitment and retention of rural allied health professionals?, Rural and Remote Health , 15, 2015, p3438
Stanley, D., Beament, T., Falconer, D., Haigh, M., Li, I., Newton, R., Saunders, R., Stanley, K., Wall, P., Profile and perceptions of men in nursing: Research Report, Perth, UWA Print, 2014
Katzenellenbogen, J., Durey, A., Haigh, M., Woods, J., Critical success factors for recruiting and retaining health professionals to primary health care in rural and remote locations: A review of the literature., Perth, UWA Print, 2013
Birch, E., Haigh, M., Baxi, S., Lyford, M., Cheetham, S., Thompson, S.C., Exploring treatment decision-making in cancer management for rural residents: perspectives associated with a recently established regional radiotherapy service, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology
Haigh, M., Baxi, S., Lyford, M., Cheetham, S., Thompson, S.C., Cancer support services: Are they meeting the needs of rural radiotherapy patients?, European Journal of Cancer Care
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
McCarron, M., Haigh, M., Dann, G., & McCallion, P. (Eds.), Longitudinal Dynamics in the Ageing of People with an Intellectual Disability: Evidence from the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) Wave 5, 2023
Darren McCausland, Andrew P. Allen, Margaret Haigh, Fintan Sheerin, Eilish Burke, Eimear McGlinchey, Fidelma Flannery, Niamh Mulryan, Philip McCallion and Mary McCarron, Overcoming Adversity: The Continuing Impact of COVID-19 on People Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland. Findings from the Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) COVID-19 Sub-Study, Trinity College Dublin, December, 2021